Third board of the Nordic Metabolomics Society (2021-2023)
Below is the second board of the Nordic Metabolomics Society, serving from 11/2021 until 12/2023.
Nils Joakim Færgeman (University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark).
Tone Frost Bathen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway).
Guro F. Giskeødegård (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway).
Daniel Globisch (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden).
Katharina Herzog (Novo Nordisk A/S, Bagsværd, Denmark, and Lund University, Lund, Sweden). Early-career member.
Tuulia Hyötyläinen (Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden).Chair of the Board
Olli Kärkkäinen (University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland).
Otto Savolainen (Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden). Early-career member. Secretary of the Board
Margrét Thorsteinsdóttir (University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland). Vice-Chair of the Board
Board member biographies
Nils J. Færgeman (serving second term) is professor and director of the molecular metabolism and metabolomics unit at The Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at University of Southern Denmark. He obtained his PhD degree in molecular cell biology in 1997 from University of Southern Denmark and after a post-doctoral period at Albany Medical College (Albany, NY, USA), he was recruited back to University of Southern Denmark, where he has been an independent PI since 2003. His research interests revolve around how metazoans sense alterations in the environment and in their genome and how they adapt metabolism to maintain cellular homeostasis, promote survival and achieve balanced growth. His group takes a systems biology-wide approach and combines genomics, proteomics and metabolomics to untangle novel mechanisms regulating metabolism. He has a particular interest in lipid metabolism and made several important contributions to understanding the functional role of lipid binding proteins and fatty acid transporters in fatty acid import, transport, metabolism and signaling. |
Tone Frost Bathen (serving second term) is professor in Medicine (MR technology) at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging. Since the early 90-ties, Tone Frost Bathen has worked with the implementation of nuclear magnetic resonance techniques in cancer. As head of the MR Cancer group, her main research interests are focused towards personalized medicine and studies of functional and metabolic properties of cancer using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS). By developing, optimizing and applying advanced MR (in combination with other Omics-levels) to characterize cancer, the goal is to establish better diagnostic tools for stratification of patients to treatment, treatment monitoring and evaluation of prognosis. Current research activities mainly focus on breast and prostate cancer, enabled by a close collaboration with clinicians at the St. Olavs University Hospital in Trondheim. Although clinical research has high priority, a broad spectrum of systems for cancer studies provides translational research, covering ex vivo NMR as well as in vivo MR imaging and spectroscopy of cancer cells and laboratory animals. The MR cancer group maintains several large biobanks of human tissue and biofluid samples, and is internationally recognized for their large scale analyses of intact cancer biopsies. The research group is also involved in biomedical research related to cardiac heart disease, preeclampsia and testing of new contrast agents. Tone F. Bathen is Scientific vice-leader of the MR Core Facility at NTNU, and she is also academic responsible for a PhD course in metabolomics provided biannually at NTNU. Tone F. Bathen is a member of the Scientific Board of the Norwegian Cancer Society, she has a strong funding track record, and a large network of international collaborators. |
Guro F. Giskeødegård is an Associate Professor in biostatistics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). She received her PhD in Medical Technology in 2011. Her main research areas are metabolomics and multi-omics within the area of cancer research, with a focus on statistical analysis and modelling of large -omics data sets. She has experience from working with large biobank materials of breast and prostate cancer tissue, and has through this work identified novel markers of prognostic potential, both in newly diagnosed patients and by monitoring treatment response. The last years, she has shifted the focus towards large-scale metabolomics analyses of biofluids and gut microbiota profiling within cancer, aiming for early detection, treatment monitoring and understanding the negative effects of cancer treatment. She is also involved in ongoing projects within lifestyle, exercise and cardiovascular health. Dr. Giskeødegård is currently employed at the K.G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology, NTNU, leading the Metabolomics group within the center. |
Daniel Globisch (serving second term) is an Associate Professor in Analytical Pharmaceutical Chemistry and a SciLifeLab Fellow at Uppsala University. He received his PhD degree from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich in Germany in 2011, where he quantified natural RNA/DNA modifications using mass spectrometric techniques. For his postdoctoral studies, he joined The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, CA (USA) working on bacterial quorum sensing and metabolomics analysis. During his 4,5 year stay Dr. Globisch discovered the urinary biomarker N-acetyltyramine-O-glucuronide (NATOG) using a metabolomics mining approach for the neglected tropical disease onchocerciasis, for which he developed an antibody-based urine dipstick test. He started leading his independent laboratory in September 2015 at Uppsala University after recruitment by the Science For Life Laboratory. Dr. Globisch’s research focus lies on the development of new Chemical Biology tools to enhance the scope of metabolomics research. His interdisciplinary research projects integrate global metabolomics, organic chemistry as well as Chemical Biology and are focused on elucidating the metabolic interaction between microbiota and their human host. He explores the potential of microbiota metabolism as a new strategy for the discovery of unknown biomarkers for pancreatic and colorectal cancer as well as unknown bioactive metabolites produced by the gut microbes. |
Katharina Herzog (early-career member, serving second term) strives to bring different stakeholders together to solve real-world problems and aims driving innovative projects that align with her interests to improve patient diagnostics and standard-of-care. She obtained a PhD in biomedicine at the Academic Medical Center (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands), where she performed functional lipidomics studies and investigated novel biomarkers to diagnose patients with a rare metabolic disease. As a postdoctoral fellow, Katharina translated her research interests into the field of diabetes and first studied the effect of interventions such as gastric bypass surgery on the plasma metabolome (Lund University, Sweden), and later investigated the prognostic role of environmental, metabolic, and clinical factors in a hybrid form of diabetes (Karolinska Institute). She remains affiliated with Lund University as a visiting researcher at the department of Chemistry. In her current role as Lead Data Scientist in the department of Methods, Innovation & Outreach at Novo Nordisk (Denmark), she supports the analysis of complex data and engages in external research collaborations to support the development of innovative research in data science with focus on evidence generation. Katharina strives to create the best possible environment for early-career researchers and was a committee member of the early-career member network (EMN) of the Metabolomics Society. Since 2019, she has been an early-career board member of the Nordic Metabolomics Society. |
Tuulia Hyötyläinen is Professor of Chemistry at Örebro University, Sweden. She has a PhD in analytical chemistry from the University of Helsinki, Finland. She has over 25 years of experience in analytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, environmental analysis and metabolomics. One of her main focus areas is the development of robust metabolomics workflows, from sampling, sample preparation, analysis, to data pre-processing and data mining, including quality control as well as the development of methodologies for the identification of unknown metabolites and chemicals. Currently, her main emphasis is to elucidate the impact of environmental factors on human healthas well as to identify effect-based markers of environmental exposures and the metabolic pathways behind the adverse outcomes due to the exposures. Particularly, she focuses on the impact of exposure during fetal development and early life, with focus on autoimmune and other immune-mediated diseases such as type 1 diabetes, celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome. Prof. Hyötyläinen is a board member of the Environmental Chemistry section of the Swedish Chemical Society and Editorial Board member of the journals Metabolomics and Metabolites. |
Olli Kärkkäinen, D.Sc., is a co-founder and CEO of Afekta Technologies Ltd, and a senior researcher in Drug Toxicology in the School of Pharmacy, University of Eastern Finland. Afekta is a company offering metabolomics analysis services for industry and academy, and has been listed as one of the top 5 metabolomics start-up companies in the world. In his academic work, Dr. Kärkkäinen investigates the effects of external exposures, like alcohol and drugs, to the metabolic processes in the body and in the microbiota. His goal is to find biomarkers to predict disease progression and treatment effects of drugs to enable personalized prevention and treatment of disease. Dr. Kärkkäinen completed his Doctor of Science (Pharmacy) degree studying the molecular alteration found in post-mortem brains of individuals with alcohol addiction in 2016. He did his post-doctoral research in the lab of Professor Kati Hanhineva investigating novel microbiota made metabolites. Dr. Kärkkäinen has received the ESBRA-Nordmann award in 2018, for a significant scientific contribution to biomedical research on alcoholism by a young scientist. He received Title of Docent in Pharmacology and Toxicology in 2020 and has been representative of the Finnish Foundation for Drug Research since 2017. Dr. Kärkkäinen has authored/co-authored ~40 scientific articles. |
Otto Savolainen (early-career member) is a scientist at Chalmers University of Technology where he is heading a Division for Research Infrastructures, including Chalmers Mass Spectrometry Infrastructure. His research focus is on bioanalytical method development and different OMICs technologies as well as on their application in different research questions related to human health and nutrition. He is an expert in hyphenated mass spectrometric techniques and has a long experience in different chromatographic and mass spectrometry applications and, via his research, is committed to promoting good health through a healthy lifestyle and good food. Ottos laboratory is also part of the National Biological Mass Spectrometry Infrastructure in Sweden as well as a node at the SciLifeLab Metabolomics and Exposomics platform. He is also working as a senior scientist with a focus in metabolomics at the University of Eastern Finland. |
Margrét Thorsteinsdóttir is a Professor in Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Iceland and she is the founder and R&D Director of ArcticMass LTd, Reykjavik, Iceland. Dr. Thorsteinsdóttir received her PhD from Uppsala University, Sweden in 1998. From 2000 to 2009 she was the managing director of Bioanalytical Laboratories at deCODE Genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland. She has extensive experience in development of analytical methods for metabolite profiling and quantification of clinical biomarkers in various biofluids utilizing chemometrics. Her current research interest includes studies of lipid metabolism in cancer cells and profiling plasma derived biomarkers for early detection of BRCA-related breast cancer. She is responsible for implementation of clinical mass spectrometry for support of diagnostics and therapeutic drug monitoring in collaboration with ArcticMass and the Landspitali University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland with major focus on quantitative targeted proteomics for clinical diagnosis. She is a principal investigator of the Icelandic Research Rannis projects, profiling metabolites for breast cancer diagnosis and search for novel biomarkers for early breast cancer diagnosis by metabolomics. Dr. Thorsteinsdóttir is a principal investigator for the Marine Biotechnology ERA-net project CYNOBESITY and the Horizon 2020 project MossTech, with the main task to isolate, identify and structurally characterize bioactive compounds from cyanobacteria, Icelandic mosses and liverworts. She is one of the founders of Females in Mass Spectrometry (FeMS) and she is a vice-leader of the working group clinical significance and applications of (epi)lipidomics in the pan-European network, EpiLipidNET. |